will have its scheduled mee ng for January on Monday, January 8th in the St. Joseph’s Room of the Parish offices at 6:30.
Jeff Gulde, Director of Catholic Chari es, will be our guest and talk about Pope Francis’ “Share the Journey” program.
We encourage those who are interested in being part of this to come. Our next service project will be helping out at the Downtown Women’s Center located on the northeast corner of 10th and Washington on Saturday, January 13th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am.
We will be inspec ng and sor ng clothing, organizing and hanging clothing, and stocking and cleaning the display areas.
Children are welcome but, if under age 13, will be paired with parent or designated guardian. There will be sign-up sheets in the in gather- ing area a er all the Masses the weekend of January 4 and 5th.
All you need to do is show up, everything else has been planned. Hope to see you there!