Catholic Schools Week (CSW)
Catholic Schools Week is upon us! It is a week lled with fun ac vi es, service and prayer where we will be celebra ng being members of the amazing Catholic school, St. Mary’s! This year’s theme – “Catholic Schools: Communi es of Faith, Knowledge and Service” – highlights the fact that Catholic schools are not only communi es themselves, but also part of larger communi es like our parish, Diocese, and city of Amaril-
lo. With our strong focus on academic excellence, faith development and service, we prepare students to become community leaders in the future.
Here are a few highlights for one of the most exci ng weeks of the year for our school!
Saturday, 1/28: WinterFest ~ Kick-o CSW with an evening of food, fun, fellowship and our school auc on. This is an adults-only event for our school and parish community.
Sunday, 1/29: CSW: Faith, Knowledge, & Service in our Parish ~ All weekend Masses will celebrate the opening of CSW with stu- dents serving in ministries.
Monday, 1/30: CSW: FKS in our Community ~ We honor our “First Responders”
Tuesday, 1/31: CSW: FKS in our Students ~ Pizza Picnic; Buddy Reading; Pen-Pals w/HCCA; Holy Cross Choir Performance @ 2:00pm
Wednesday, 2/1: CSW: FKS in our Na on ~ Valen nes for Veterans; 5th Grade Shadow @ HCCA
Thursday, 2/2: CSW: FKS in our Voca ons ~ Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed for Voca ons during
Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament; Guest Speakers
Friday, 2/3: CSW: FKS in our Faculty/Sta ~ School Mass celebrated by Bishop Zurek @ 9am; ALL are Welcome!!!